Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12 Newsletter

Welcome back and happy new year!

Our 100's Day celebration is coming up soon.  In celebration of this day your child gets to make a 100's day project.  You can make anything you want, just be sure to use 100 items.  This will be displayed in the hallway for everyone to be CrEaTive!  Examples, a flower made out of 100 buttons, a boat made out of 100 legos....etc.  Mobiles are great because they display in the hall so well.  Whatever you and child decide to make, have a great time. This project is due Friday, January 27th.

Letters of the week:
C and O

We will be having a valentine party on Valentine's Day, February 14th, from 10:00 - 10:55.  I will be sending a class list home soon so your kindie can address all of his/er cards.  Please let your child write the names of his/er friends on the cards.  This is a great reading and writing activity for your child.  Also, for another great family activity, decorate a shoe box for those fabulous valentine cards they will get at the party.  Have fun decorating the box, but please, don't send the box until Valentine's Day!  They tend to be very distracting.  

Specials next week:
music/P.E./artYaya Lids

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