Thursday, July 28, 2011

Kindergarten Enrichment Program

As some of you are aware, Curiosity Club is a kindergarten enrichment program that serves Highlands Ranch and the surrounding areas for the past 10 years!  We do not advertise as we believe word of mouth is way more powerful!  If your parents are looking for a program to enrich their kindergarten experience, please have them check out our program.  I have included some information below as well as testimonials from teachers in the district.  Please feel free to include this information in your class newsletters & emails.  If you prefer, I would be happy to provide you with flyers and/or brochures.  Any questions, please call me at 720-635-1735 or  Teachers with the most referrals to our program will receive a Visa Gift Card for $50.  (Simply have your parents mention your name with their registration!) If you are no longer teaching kindergarten, please forward this to your school's kindergarten teachers!
Hope you have a fantastic school year and I hope I get the chance to meet you!  
Thank you in advance, 
Debbie Kohn 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

STOP! Don't throw that away!

- clean out that toy box and bring in the toys for our treasure chest
- rinse out those plastic starbuck's frappucctino cups, with the domed lids, for painting in class
- plastic lids from washing detergent for math cups

Friday, July 22, 2011

I am getting very excited about the beginning of a new year. I had a great summer and I hope you did too. Enjoy some of my summer photos until I meet you in a week!

Mrs. Harris


Welcome to Mrs. Harris' Kindie site 2011-2012!