Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Newsletter, August 11th

Let's get this party started!  Your children have been amazing and are off and running on a brand new journey.  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night at back to school night.  6:00-6:30 or 6:35-7:05.

Next week we will begin a two week color unit.  We will learn about colors through songs, poems and many activities.  In order to reinforce these concepts we would like to encourage the children to dress in our "Color of the Day."  Please do not feel that you need to purchase any special clothing for this activity.  If your child has the appropriate color in his/her wardrobe, great!  If not...don't stress over it. Here is a list of the color days for next week.

Monday, August 15th - red
Tuesday, August 16th - yellow
Wednesday, August 17th - blue
Thursday, August 18th - purple
Friday, August 19th - green

For specials next week we will have art.

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