Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Newsletter, August 17th

We are having fun learning about our colors.  I hope you are enjoying reading the books every night with your kindie.  So far we have learned about red, yellow and blue.  Here is the list of the rest of our color days.
Thursday, August 18th - purple
Friday, August 19th - green
Monday, August 22d - orange
Tuesday, August 23th-brown
Wednesday, August 24th-black
Thursday, August 25th-white
Friday, August 26th-pink
Monday, August 29th-favorite color

Next week our special is music.

This week we learned about letter Ff and the number 1.

The volunteer calendar will go home after labor day.

It has been an exciting couple of weeks and a pleasue getting to know your children.  I look forward to seeing each and every one of them every day.  What a fun time we have!

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