Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Newsletter, August 24th

Next week our special is: music  p.e.  art

This week we learned about letter Ee  and Elmo the Elephant.  We also learned about the number 2.

I enjoyed seeing several of you at Corner Bakery last night.   Saddle Ranch had a great turn out.  I havn't heard how much money we raised yet. 
Wish List
Thank you for all the items for the treasure box.  We all love it!

Please send in a clean sock with your child.  This will be used for cleaning his/her dry erase board we use for spelling and handwriting.   Also, if you could send in envioronmental print for our social studies unit that would be helpful.   So, any empty boxes, (cereal boxes, cracker boxes, rice boxes,) empty bags with names, King Sooper, Safeway, marshmallows, etc.  Send in the empty boxes and bags and we will use these for our envioronmental bulletin board.  

Mrs. Harris 

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