Thursday, January 19, 2012

SRE has received $2,244 for the month of December from all of you using your reloadable King Soopers cards!!!  Thank YOU!  And please continue using your reloadable King Soopers cards for groceries, pharmacy, gift cards and gas - SRE receives 5% of spending on these cards.  Cards can still be purchased in the main office.   

Roller Skating party at Skate City (5801 W. Lowell Way, Littleton.  303-795-6109)  is Wednesday, January 25.  The theme is a tailgating party and all skaters are asked to wear their favorite team jersey.  Admission is $4.00  Dinner special of hot dog chips and a drink or 2 slices of pizza and a drink is $3.00!  And every skater receives one free glass of root beer!  Come join the fun!

Bingo Family Night is coming up soon....January 27!   The flyer is attached with all the details for this annual night.   If you are able to sign up to volunteer make this wonderful night happen, please use this link to see the opportunities and find a way to help!

We learned all about letter Q this week.  Next Friday, January 27th, we will have a QU Wedding with our third grade buddies.  This is an annual event that Mr. Elmore and I look forward too.   All that we ask of you is to dress your children for a wedding!  Please don't buy anything new, just dress them in their best duds.  :)

As you may have figured out by now, I love to teach math with food!!!!  I love valentine heart candy, so, if you could send in a bag for us to play with this month that would be awesome. Thank you.

Specials next week:
music, p.e., art

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